Sonic Shows His Diplomatic Side In This Exclusive Preview Of ‘Sonic The Hedgehog’ #261

Sonic is noted for a lot of things, as a mascot and a hero. Patience isn’t one of them, and that’s in full effect in our exclusive preview of Sonic The Hedgehog #261.

For those unfamiliar, Archie has held the Sonic license for quite a while, and it’s one of their most popular comics. Starting as a tie-in with the games and the cartoon, it’s actually evolved to fill what was once an enormously popular genre in comics, “funny animals.”

It actually works quite well not least because writing action books that work for all ages can be a tricky thing to do consistently and at a high level of quality. But Ian Flynn, the maestro of Archie’s video game comics, manages to deliver well-characterized and fun work month after month. But why take our word for it? See for yourself, and enjoy a preview of the backup feature as well, featuring Tails.