Report: Leonardo DiCaprio Flew In 30 Women To Party With Him In Brazil

Someone should probably tell party-hearty’er Leonardo DiCaprio that The Wolf of Wall Street stopped shooting months ago. When he’s not snubbing Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian at ritzy parties, he’s dancing with dozens of gorgeous women on his luxury yacht in Brazil.

The Hollywood playboy hand-picked 50 women to party with him in Buzios…Thirty were flown in specially, put up in a swanky hotel and fed and watered all at his expense – how very generous. The other 20 live in the wealthy tourist resort which is 100 miles east of capital Rio. (Via)

DiCaprio should be OK so long as Coach Taylor doesn’t come snooping around. Clear eyes, full heart, can’t believe he managed to fit his entire fist up there.

Via the Daily Mirror