Here Are 40 Pop Culture Valentines To Warm Your Cold, Jaded Heart


Holy crap tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! We’ve already featured some great pop culture valentines like the Always Sunny cards and these Ron Swanson cards, but there are more valentines to choose from, and we’d be remiss if we didn’t bring you this slideshow of forty more valentines featuring some of our favorite characters. Because, why not? So…treat yo self!













Twin Peaks [via]











Makes sense if you’ve been watching BBC’s Sherlock [via]



Spongebob, no! [via]




Three more Downton Abbey cards available at chad-thomas

A real Michael Jordan valentine from the way-back file [via]

More real valentines from back in the day [via]


I just wanted you to be aware these exist. [via]

This also existed. [via]


