This Woman Asked Designers In 25 Countries To Photoshop ‘Beauty’

Just as one man’s trash is another hobo’s treasure, so too is one person’s “hubba hubba” another human’s “ew, guy away from me, you hideous monster, or I’m calling the cops.” Journalist Esther Honig sent out the photo above of herself to graphic designers in more than 20 countries around the world, and asked them to edit it to make Honig look “beautiful.”

Freelancing platforms have allowed me to contract nearly 40 individuals, from more than 25 countries such as Sri Lanka, Ukraine, The Philippines, and Kenya. Some are experts in their field, others are purely amateur…They are intriguing and insightful in their own right; each one is a reflection of both the personal and cultural concepts of beauty that pertain to their creator. (Via)

Here’s what they came up with.

You can check out the rest there. It’s a shame they didn’t ask The Internet, the world’s most powerful country, to design one. We’re missing out on corgi eyebrows and Simpsons tattoos.

Via Esther Honig