Despite being the president of the FilmDrunk Chapter of the North American Ryan Gosling Fan Club, I have yet to see his latest smash hit, Drive, because I can’t quite handle the idea of seeing an angry Baby Goose hurting people, when he’s supposed to be the King of Cuddle. But Vinnie saw it and reviewed it, and you can take his word for it that it’s action-packed and huggerific, if by that you mean a guy getting his face stomped.
More than anything, though, Drive has been a surprising source of inspiration, what with the creation of an exciting game, a mash-up with Tom Cochrane’s classic 90s hit “Life is a Highway”, the release of a line of Gosling’s scorpion jackets, and even causing a guy to throw a hot dog at Tiger Woods. This film will probably completely be forgotten come Academy Awards time, but I believe that it has already won so much.
Now, thanks to animators Tom Haugomat and Bruno Mangyoku, Drive is available in short cartoon form.
tribute to drive from tom haugomat & bruno mangyoku on Vimeo.
(Via Doobybrain)