The Ten Most Embarrassing Moments To Ever Hit The Internet

If there is one emotion that the Internet has put front and center in our minds, that emotion is almost assuredly shame, something Sex Tape explores at length July 18th. Whether it’s old photos from the past, a video gone horribly wrong, or something we wish we could unsay, it stays on the Internet forever. Like, for example, these ten people.

Trust Fails

And this is why you never let your mom upload video to the Internet.

The Blink-182 Wedgie

All this girl wanted to do was get over the fence and check out Blink-182. Unfortunately for her, she underestimated what a fence can do if it goes the wrong way, and will endure forever as “That girl who got a wedgie at a concert.”

A Dunk Goes Horribly Wrong

The one consolation of blowing it on national television, until the Internet came along, was the fact that people only saw it once. The memory would fade! You wouldn’t have to see this at parties for the rest of your life. But not anymore! Now, thanks to YouTube, your professional failure can not only be broadcast to millions of people while announcers guffaw, it can also be preserved and watched repeatedly!

Subway Karaoke

This guy has not only had the questionable honor of being filmed while singing on the subway, the video was copied and reposted multiple times. The only upside to having your obnoxiousness pointed out on the subway is that hey, at least he’s a decent singer.

Ski Lift Failure

Anybody who’s been skiing knows that the lift is probably the scariest part. Add to that the fact that your “friend” is recording the video, AND laughing at you, AND posting the whole thing to YouTube, and you’ve got something poor Frank here probably wishes he could erase from the world.

Guy Goma’s Job Interview From Hell

Guy Goma was at the BBC to interview for a behind-the-scenes job, and made the mistake of showing up on time, going where he was supposed to, and following the receptionist who asked for Guy. The result is nearly two minutes of the most cringe-inducing television ever recorded.

Empty Force, Empty Brain

This is a video that doesn’t just embarrass everyone involved… it ruins careers. It’s important to note that this six minutes of failure is supposed to end with the assailant falling over. Instead it mostly proves that “empty force” is more the former than the latter, and we doubt this guy is getting too many new students.

Surveillance Cams Go Awry

Millions of us are filmed, every day, at the office. We consent to it, in fact. What we apparently also consent to is our boss uploading anything it tapes that he happens to find funny. At least there’s no audio!

So Frustrating You Lose Your Hair

Thousands of years of scientific research went into designing the microprocessor, the optic lens, the video recorder, and the web server, and, among other results, it lets us watch a young girl literally burn her hair off. Just wait until she gets out of college, and this starts turning up on job interviews.

Never, Ever, Follow A Fad

Most of the time, these kinds of videos remain safely off the Internet, because everyone involved realizes that it’s just not a good idea. And then somebody goes ahead and uploads it anyway. You’ll notice this is a reupload, since the original was taken down.

By the way, if you’re wondering why there’s a notable lack of media professionals on here, it’s because they would have dominated the article. Here’s a quick overview of just a handful of fails over the last year or so:

Hey, at least they got paid!

For more of people getting embarrassed by the future of technology, and Cameron Diaz losing her inhibitions, check out Sex Tape, in theaters on July 18th. And if you can’t wait, check out more fails courtesy of Sex Tape‘s handy digital magazine.