Peter Dinklage’s ‘Destiny’ Voicework Is So Bad It’s Being Replaced

Bungie and Activision’s new 500-million-dollar open world shooter, Destiny features voicework by Tyrion Lannister himself, Peter Dinklage. Awesome, right? Dinklage plays your sassy robotic guide, which would seem to be the perfect outlet for his trademark dry humor, but unfortunately Dinklage clearly did not give the slightest sh*t about the role, turning in perhaps the flattest performance of his career.

Gamers who got their hands on the alpha version of Destiny have fixated on one line in particular — a humorously humorless Dinklage reading of the line, “That wizard came from the moon!”

Bungie even started selling t-shirts featuring the uh, iconic (?) line.

Well, Bungie may be in on the joke now, but they probably aren’t going to release their half-trillion dollar game with voice work Peter Dinklage recorded on his lunch break. Here’s what the newly updated Destiny FAQ says…

“The Ghost dialog has already been updated for Beta. It will be updated again for launch on September 9th, as well. Funny thing about Alpha build — they’re not done. Please pardon our Moon dust!”

What “updated” means isn’t entirely clear — is Dinklage re-recording his dialogue, or has Bungie got another cheaper, more motivated actor to fix some of the most egregious lines? I’m guessing the latter.

Via Eurogamer