'60 Minutes' Report On Hacking Will Make You Want To Drain Your Bank Account And Buy A Generator

Hey there! Happy Monday! Feeling good about life in general? Feeling comfortably safe, perhaps? Well if you want it to stay that way, if you want to remain hopelessly locked inside your cozy bubble of blissful ignorance, I suggest you not watch the report on cyber-warfare 60 Minutes aired last night.

As you may recall, the head of the FBI stated just last week that hackers are the new terrorists. In the 60 Minutes piece, Steve Kroft delves deeper.

For the past few months now, the nation’s top military, intelligence and law enforcement officials have been warning Congress and the country about a coming cyberattack against critical infrastructure in the United States that could affect everything from the heat in your home to the money in your bank account. The warnings have been raised before, but never with such urgency, because this new era of warfare has already begun.

So how could a small group of people, or a small country, wreak havoc on a mighty nation like the U.S., you ask?

Kroft: If you were a terrorist group or a failed nation state and you had a couple of million dollars, where would you go to find the people that knew how to do this?

(Internet security expert): On the Internet.

Excuse me while I go run to Home Depot to buy a generator and then run to the bank to take out all my money.