It's A Trap!

Seen on the wall above is my new best friend an Admiral Ackbar singing bass which plays the Mos Eisley Cantina song from Star Wars and also warns us about traps. With all the traps it’ll help us avoid, it pays for itself!

The Star Wars Admiral Ackbar Singing Bass features the good admiral’s head sculpted onto a singing fish’s body (“IT’S AN ALMAGAM!”). Either by button press or by sensing motion, Ackbar springs to life – first dancing to the Cantina Song and then uttering his immortal catch phrase, “IT’S A TRAP!” It’s just that simple, and you know you’re already planning where you’d put yours right now. Admiral Ackbar wants you to own a Star Wars Admiral Ackbar Singing Bass, so hurry up and order; it’s easy (“IT’S A SNAP!”). [ThinkGeek]

It’s just an April Fools Day gag for now, but it could be real if you wish hard enough. Some previous April Fools items were made real after enough customers requested them, like the Tauntaun sleeping bag, the 8-bit-tie, the iCADE, and the Unicorn Meat (mmm, sprinkles).

A video and pictures of the prototype Star Wars Admiral Ackbar Singing Bass are below, or it could be a trap.

More pictures of ThinkGeek’s April Fools Day products are collected at SuperPunch.