‘Just Die!’: Watch What Happens When A Drunk Heckler Takes The Stage At A Comedy Show

New York-based comedian Adam Cozens was at a stand-up show on April – well, I’ll let him take it:

On April 1st, 2012, a very rude, very entitled little girl decided to sit in the front row of a New York City stand up comedy open mic.

She proceeded to yell out, heckle, disrupt, make rude gestures, and just in general be a pain and a nuisance to all of the performers on stage.

As comics, we have all dealt with audience members like this. Sadly, it has become a part of the business. But you know what the worst part was?

She was also a self-proclaimed “comedian.”

And when it came her turn to take the stage, the hellfire of all the comics she disrupted earlier reigned down upon her.

The hellfire of heckles included, “Just die!” “Kill yourself!” “You are the worst!” “Fall on your own knife!” “You’re going to die alone!” “Your hair is sh*tty!” and most appropriately of all, “Let other people do their act!” Cozen uploaded her “set” – and the subsequent boos and jeers she and her friend who also came on stage received from the crowd – to YouTube, though sadly none of her yelling and rude gesturing is shown. (The joke that she tells at the end of the clip, though, is awful; it involves menstrual cups.)

In the comments section (basically a minefield of misogyny), someone purporting to be the woman on the stage wrote, “Oh now I know why people were booing and I get it. I was talking and being rude, which is understandable, people would be pissed. But at the time I was far too drunk to connect the dots.”

The host of the unnamed club then responded, “We talked afterwards about why people reacted the way they did, and it has nothing to do with being funny or unfunny and for sure nothing to do with being a ‘chick.’” That’s true. If anything, she was being a di*k. Watch it below.
