Target Makes Avengers Stuff Out of Avengers Stuff for Ad Campaign

So, Target has a promotional deal with the upcoming Avengers movie — usually not the kind of thing we’d bother reporting on around here, but they’ve actually done something kind of interesting with it. For the campaign Target has constructed various Avengers-related objects like Thor’s hammer, Cap’s shield and Iron Man’s mask out of Avenger’s licensed toys and other household crap available at Target. Also, for some reason, lots of cans of Dr. Pepper.
I dunno, there’s just something kind of trippy/cool about a pair of giant Hulk hands assembled out of at least three different types of Hulk action figures. You can check out all the ads after the jump…

via Gizmondo & Comics Alliance
As usual Hawkeye and Black Widow get ignored. Come on, you have a bra section Target, making the objects most associated with Black Widow shouldn’t have been hard. Hawkeye would be more difficult — I mean, what does apathy look like exactly?