Just when you think reality couldn’t get any more awful, it starts imitating The Hangover 3, one of the most awful movies of the last five years. God, it’s like Ted Nugent quoting Big Bang Theory.
A giraffe has been killed after smashing its head on a bridge while being transported dangerously on a highway in South Africa, wildlife officials said Thursday. Several horrified witnesses tweeted pictures of the open-air flatbed truck carrying two giraffes with their necks jutting high out of the vehicle. “Look how low that bridge is and how tall the giraffes are,” tweeted Pabi Moloi. “Who thought this one through? I wish I hadn’t seen this.” Rick Allan, of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, confirmed the pictures and the animal’s death to NBC News: “The way that these giraffes were being transported was incorrect and not up to standards.
“Their heads were above the vehicle which meant that one of them cracked their head one the bridge. That’s something we are very concerned about and we will be looking at a prosecution under animal cruelty legislation.” He said early indications showed the animal died instantly. [NBC News]
So, maybe The Hangover 3 wasn’t horrible simply because the writing was horrible, maybe it was horrible because people are horrible. Horrible.