Cobie Smulders Smolders In This Deleted Scene From ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’

Captain America: The Winter Soldier hits Blu-ray next month, but a deleted scene from the film has already managed to find its way online. The deleted scene stars Cobie Smulders, who plays Agent Maria Hill in the film. When she showed up in the movie, I remember it producing palpable excitement in the theater. Which was confusing to me, because I was like, “What, the chick who stood next to Samuel L. Jackson in The Avengers sometimes?”

But apparently she’s on that Agents of SHIELD show a lot or something? I don’t know. Anyway, in the clip, some SHIELD guy asks Hill, “I was wondering if you knew anything about this?” and then shows her a surveillance video of Captain America at the Apple Store.

“No,” she says. “But I’m not surprised. That’s Captain America you’re after. He tends to inspire a certain amount of loyalty.”

So wait, what? What isn’t she surprised by? The fact that Captain America is at the Apple Store? And also, why did she say no? She clearly knows a lot about whatever is going on in this video that he’s showing her, so much so that a guy standing at the Apple Store doesn’t surprise her with how much loyalty he inspires.

I can see why they cut this scene. That “Captain America inspires loyalty” line would’ve felt as much in context if they’d been arguing about carpet swatches.