A Woman Tried To Resolve A Spat With Her Boyfriend By Throwing A Pot Of Boiling Water On His Genitals

More pleasant news to come out of the U.K.’s Daily Mail today: A woman tossed a kettle of scalding hot water onto her boyfriend’s groin because she thought he was getting it on with her daughter. Ouch.

Helen Corbett, of Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, missed 46-year-old Peter Bailey’s genitals with the searing liquid but caused serious burns to his thighs which left his skin peeling off.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the 45-year-old mother had heard rumours Mr Bailey was sleeping with her 24-year-old daughter Crystal.

Prosecutor Neil Pallister told the court: ‘The defendant was angry with him because she believed he had slept with her 24-year-old daughter Crystal.

Mr. Bailey hasn’t said whether or not he was actually sleeping with Crystal. But even if the rumors were true, would he even have the balls guts to admit it after seeing his girlfriend go full-on psycho?

In a victim impact statement Mr Bailey said: ‘I cannot believe what Helen did to me.

Since the incident I have been in a great deal of pain, I have struggled to sleep, I have flashbacks of what she did.

‘I loved Helen, although we had our ups and downs. I didn’t expect her to do that to me.

‘Helen hurt me, both physically and emotionally. Every time I see my scar I think about what she did.

At least the boyfriend’s family jewels are still intact. If you’ll recall, yesterday we posted about a jealous lover who scissored off the breasts of her rival. PEOPLE, CAN’T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG? Or, at the very least, stop inflicting such violence on our most prized parts?

Via Daily Mail