Catholics Pissed At Jon Stewart For Placing A Nativity Scene In The Vicinity Of A Vagina

HAHAHA…this is kind of special: the Catholic League, a Catholic Church advocacy group that in recent years has seemingly existed for the sole purpose of defending pedophile priests, is pissed — PISSED — that Jon Stewart and the Daily Show staff dared to place a nativity scene in the vicinity of a woman’s vagina during a segment slamming Fox News that aired this week. Furthermore, Catholic League president Bill Donohue charges that there’s been a “media cover-up” over the episode that “showed a picture of a naked woman with her legs spread and a nativity scene ornament placed in between.”

To demonstrate just how mad they are over a nativity scene coming within the length of a crucifix of some filthy whore’s vagina, the Catholic League is currently depicting Stewart, a Jew, surrounded by the flames of hell or something on its website.

Below is a screenshot of the skit in question…

Further, Donohue and his group are demanding that Stewart apologize on his show tonight — not sure if they want him to do so to Catholics, women or vaginas — and are threatening a boycott if he does not.

If he does not, we will mobilize Protestants, Jews, Mormons and Muslims to join us in a boycott of his sponsors. Moreover, we will not stop with a boycott; there are other things that can be done to register our outrage. We are prepared to spend the money it takes to make this a nationwide issue, and we are prepared to stay the course. Tomorrow we will have something definitive to say, one way or the other.

Just so we’re clear on where the Catholic League stands on things: totally cool with priests sticking their dicks in little boys mouths and buttholes, totally not cool with a manger coming anywhere close to a vagina. Got it.


Here’s the full Daily Show sketch for context…

Man now I really can’t wait to watch TDS tonight!