OK, this is just getting ridiculous now. In the past week or so I have written about fake big dicks, real big dicks, dick running and nutshots. As I said on Twitter earlier today, I’m becoming UPROXX’s Dick Girl Friday. But I couldn’t pass on this map which comes from the Canal River & Trust of Berkhamsted, United Kingdom. Since the Trust posted the illustrated map on their Facebook page yesterday, it’s blowing up the internet like … like, well, a map shaped like a giant penis with a canal coming out the pee-hole.
I especially enjoy the attention to detail as the “Canadian Totem Pole” is marked at the beginning of the shaft and “The Rising Sun” is indicated further down — even the “Canal Fields” are noted in the nutsack area. Sounds like a certain dick map needs to do some mapscaping!
You know, I think the universe is trying to tell me something. I went to college for illustration and here I am writing about dick maps when I could be actually drawing dick maps myself. I may have to do some deep, deep soul searching. *stifles all of the laughter*