Aziz Ansari And Chelsea Peretti Are Rebooting 'Think Like A Man'

Did you hear that Think Like a Man dominated the box office this past weekend? It’s about time we start recognizing a different type of Turtle Power, amirite? THINKIN’ LIKE A MAN.

The success of the movie based on Steve Harvey literature (?) didn’t go unnoticed by Aziz Ansari and fellow comedian/Parks writer Chelsea Peretti. Like all bright minds in Hollywood they’re fully aware that box office success means only one thing: eventual reboot. So they’re getting in front of things with their own two person take on the film and the above re-imagined movie poster they revealed to the world via forms of social media beginning with “T” (here, here, and here).

I’m of the opinion they should consider a stage production as opposed to a film, but only if they can score Turtle and make it a three-man show, of course. Two-person stage productions are just plain silly. Isn’t that right Johnny Drama?

Three ACTORS not EPISODES, Drama. Geez. Pay attention.

Via Aziz Is Bored