Robin Williams’ Daughter Is Back On Twitter, Refusing To Be ‘Bullied Into Silence.’

You may remember or hopefully you don’t, but in the aftermath of Robin Williams’ death, some unimaginable scumbags thought it’d be super funny to tweet his daughter fake autopsy photos of him and blame her for his death. People have done worse things, but it’s rare that someone could so thoroughly destroy your faith in humanity in less than 140 characters. Anyway, most of us have the luxury of being able to avoid the internet’s worst cesspools, but when you’re connected to a famous person, sometimes you just get knocked in against your will before you even have time to put on a hazmat suit. At the time, Zelda Williams said:

“I’m sorry. I should’ve risen above. Deleting this from my devices for a good long time, maybe forever. Time will tell. Goodbye.”

It’s always a shame when the worst people in the world keep someone from living their life. But on a positive note, the 25-year-old Williams has rejoined twitter, returning with a simple, classy quote attributed to Harvey Fierstein (who appeared with Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire).

“Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.”

Good for her. The accounts, now suspended, responsible for some of the cruelest harassment (who seemed to be very proud of themselves for it), were @PimpStory and @MrGoosebuster. (Still not sure who designed this tabloid cover, but that’d be good to find out as well). I don’t know anything about them, but if ever there was a perfect target for an outing and a public shaming, it’d be these two awful pieces of sh*t. Not saying, I’m just saying.

[hat tip: Mashable]