The Apple Watch’s First Game? Arm Wrestling.

After Apple announces a new product, it doesn’t usually take very long for somebody to announce some sort of new app for it in the desire to be first. Usually said products are a bit silly and more amusing than useful. So it is with iArm Wrestle Champs.

If this sounds familiar, it’s actually already on a few platforms. It’s less a game and more of a way to create the proper mood for slamming your friends hand into the table. You can add pictures, have a starting bell which doesn’t appear to be able to be switched to say “TEST YOUR MIGHT!,” record taunts for when you win, and upload said wins to your Facebook so you can shame your friends. Only instead of putting your expensive phone between two hands squeezing as hard as possible, now you’re trying to ensure you’re not slamming a $350 accessory into the table.

Still, one does have to respect the importance of using technology to both humiliate your friends in contests of strength and enshrine that humiliation for all time on social media. Of course, most of us just post embarrassing pictures of them drunk instead of downloading an app to do the job, but, hey, it’s nice to have options.