A 24-Year-Old Playboy Model Married An 81-Year-Old Billionaire Over The Weekend

Love is a many-splendored thing. It can also make you very, very wealthy. Over the weekend, Cathy “Spatzi” Schmitz, a 24-year-old model for Playboy, got married to 81-year-old Richard Lugner, an Austrian billionaire who once paid Kim Kardashian $500,000 to attend an opera ball with him.

Also, based on the banner image, he occasionally moonlights as the Penguin.

“Apart from the big age difference everything fits,” Lugner told the Local before the wedding. “Of course I argued less when I was alone, but a man needs a partner.” (Via)

Or partners: this is Lugner’s fifth wedding. Maybe this will be the one that sticks?

They do look super chill together, which is to say, I think he’s been cryogenically frozen.

Via News.com.au