Batman Confronts His Family In This Exclusive Preview Of ‘Batman Eternal’ #26

It’s not easy being Batman, even on the best of days. It’s a lot harder when somebody’s actively trying to bring you down, as we see in this rare breather in Batman Eternal.

Things are not going well in Batman’s weekly series. Gotham is in flames, Alfred is out of commission thanks to a massive dose of fear toxin, Jim Gordon is still in jail, and Batman has finally figured out who’s behind it all… not that it makes things any easier. So, what does he do? Well, being a sane, well-adjusted individual, he asks for help, he delegates, he lays out information clearly and concisely… oh wait, no, he’s Batman. He tries to do it all himself.

How’s that working out for him? See for yourself in this preview…

Batman Eternal #26 will be on stands next week.