How Do You Say ‘Heart Attack’ In German? The Undead Hasselhoff Hamburger.

Hot on the heels of yesterday’s amazing Hibernator breakfast at the Bear Grills Café in England is an American hamburger joint’s hot new take on several German classics. And by hot, I mean that just looking at the above image makes me sweat profusely as my personal physician has to come administer ice packs to my chest so that I don’t spontaneously combust from visual calorie overload. That burger is known by its creators as the “Undead Hasselhoff,” a tribute to the beloved American actor whose biggest fans still hail from European countries, as we’ve long been told.

Coming to us from Des Moine’s Zombie Burger, the home of “goremet bashed burgers,” this treat is a mashup of all-things German – or at least some things that we attribute to Germany – including but not limited to: two pretzel-breaded bratwursts as the “buns,” spicy mustard, a few slices of cheddar, beer Cheez Wiz, and obviously a big, honking pretzel. Oh, and there’s a hamburger patty in there somewhere.

Meanwhile, is this Tweet from Flavortown a coincidence? Me thinks not.

If there’s not a Zombie Burger appearance in an upcoming episode of Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives, I’m going to be seriously disappointed. Mainly because I’ll never end up in Des Moines in my life, and I’d like to watch them make a ridiculous burger while I eat a grilled cheese in front of the TV.

(H/T to Eater)