Watch Mr. Bean Make His Triumphant Return In A New Commercial

It burned my soul with a sharpened red-hot pitchfork to read that Mr. Bean debuted almost 25 years ago but I am soothed by the knowledge that Rowan Atkinson’s classic bumbling character has remained culturally relevant. Did you know that Mr. Bean has 61 million Facebook likes? That’s just 6 million shy of Lady Gaga and that’s insane.

It’s surprising that Rowan Atkinson hasn’t done more with the character, but he has also been very cautious about returning to the well over the last few years. With all due respect to Rowan Atkinson’s unimpeachable artistic inclinations, though, thank goodness those restrictions seem to be lifting with a new animated series slated for next year and a new Snickers commercial on the air presently.

In the commercial, Atkinson looks un-aged as he clumsily walks atop a roof as the world’s worst samurai warrior, but while this is an ad for Snickers, all it makes me crave is more live-action Mr. Bean. Hopefully, this is the start of something. The two Mr. Bean films have grossed almost $500 million worldwide, so it shouldn’t be too hard to convince someone that another would be economically fruitful. Besides, as enjoyable as it is, I really don’t want the last live-action look at Mr. Bean to be in a Snickers ad.

Source: YouTube via Tastefully Offensive