This Man Has Trained His Cat To Climb Onto His Head For Treats

The owner of this cat with the outstanding Reddit handle “Pizzalovesyou” posted this Instagram video of his cat Naboo (short for Naboo Randolph Ropperty Popperty the Enigma) that will scale the height of his entire body and climb onto his head when it’s time for a treat. According to Naboo’s owner, his friends say that Naboo is “going to make him rich” someday. Well yeah, maybe for starters if he posted this on YouTube instead of Instagram, which can’t be monetized — but I guess that’s neither here not there. It is a pretty good trick. My cat just goes up to the kitchen counter, begs, then then chews up the treat and spits half of it back out on the counter, which is not as impressive of a trick.

Language NSFW: