Louis C.K. Just Released A New Standup Special On His Website

Well this, this right here is like Christmas in May…

This is about an hour long and it’s a recording of a live standup show that I did at Carnegie Hall in November of 2010 as part of a national tour I was on entitled “WORD” I’ve had a lot of requests from people to release that show as a special [sic] or as a CD. I hadn’t done so because a lot of the material that I did on the WORD tour, was in the second season of my show “LOUIE” on FX. But I decided since it’s never been released as an entire show, and some of the material was not on my show, I’m releasing this now. I’m giving you this long and boring explaination [sic] because, as most of you know, I release about an hour or more of new standup material every year and folks can count on seeing a new show every year. This is old material, so I don’t want to be a dick and pretend it isn’t.

Though it appears as though his servers are overloaded for the moment, “Word” can be downloaded for $5 on C.K.’s website, just as “Live at the Beacon Theater” was (FYI, it will soon air on FX).

Since it’s supposed to rain where I am all weekend, guess I know what I’ll be spending an hour or so doing!

(HT: Splitsider)