Want To See Dennis Rodman And Ric Flair Go Head-To-Head?

In the one corner, you’ve got Dennis Rodman, arguably the most flamboyant basketball player of all time. On the other you’ve the Nature Boy himself, Ric Flair. And they’re sharing a stage as they go head to head this Tuesday, October 28th.

Doing what, you might ask? Doing this!

Yes, they’re playing an exercise video game. Which, really, how else would you expect them to head off? These aren’t normal celebrities we’re talking about.

If you want to see who’s the best, you’ll need to fulfill a few requirements. The first is that you’ll need to be able to get to Manhattan Beach on October 28th. Specifically, at this address. The next is to be a quick draw on the email: Send a reservation to this email, to get in free. It’ll be limited to the first 100 who send in, so respond fast. And meanwhile, let’s speculate as to who might win in this epic battle.