Lena Dunham’s Sister Weighs In On That Ridiculous ‘Sexual Abuse’ Scandal

You can accuse Lena Dunham of a lot of things, like being an idealist or a narcissist — I mean, she did write a “memoir” at twenty-six years of age — but a sexual abuser? Nope. Unfortunately a right wing website recently accused her of being just that, by taking a page out of her recently released memoir, Not That Kind of Girl, dealing with her curiosity of her sister’s vagina when she was just seven years old. Now Lena’s sister Grace, the subject of the scandalous rumors, has taken to Twitter to, uh, speak out against the accusations. I think?




So that didn’t clear a whole lot up, but stay tuned for the next headline about how Lena Dunham turned her sister gay. It’s only a matter of time, really.

(Via Pajiba)