Justin Bieber Got Nailed To The Tune Of $80 Grand For Egging His Neighbor’s House

Justin Bieber has been ordered by a judge to pay $80,000 for the damages incurred in his famous egging incident last January. Sadly, he was only required to pay for his neighbor’s damages, and not the ridiculous amount of taxpayer money which was probably wasted in the lengthy ensuing investigation — but at least justice was for the most part served. According to TMZ, Bieber is also well on his way to completing his probation, and has completed four out of twelve anger management classes he is required to take, in addition to his five days of community service.

Here was my very favorite factual nugget from TMZ’s story, however:

It’s interesting … Bieber was at a bible studies class over the weekend, so maybe he really is mellowing out.

That is the most precious thing I have ever heard, and I can’t wait til he gets papped carrying around his little bible. Then again, admittedly we haven’t heard much on the old Bieber front lately other than him dressing up like an Amish person and throwing a football around in the Vatican. Learning why you shouldn’t play sports inside the Vatican is probably like, advanced bible studies.