The Holderness Family Parodies Meghan Trainor With ‘All About That Baste’

The Holderness Family has just released a new parody video titled “All About That Baste”. Riffing off the catchy hooks from Meghan Trainor’s hit song, the video here tells the story of a father who just can’t seem to provide a successful Thanksgiving dinner for his family. While I’ve recently discovered the glory of brining a bird, my track record has me nodding in agreement. From Today:

“I am totally OK with being banished to the corner of the room during Thanksgiving. Especially considering how great Kim is on that day — she is a rock star. And, I like to watch football and drink beer, so this is a win-win,” said Holderness.

Holderness also says that, while he gets out of cooking duty on Thanksgiving, he does help Kim with cleanup, both before guests arrive and once they’ve gone. (Via)

Once you’ve gotten “All About That Baste” stuck in your head, go check out their other videos. I’m quite partial to “Kin And Moose”.

(Source: Today/The Holderness Family/YouTube)