Meet The Teen Who Was Allegedly Fired For Requesting Time Off For Cancer Treatment

As 2014 comes to a close, the competition for the “Douchebag of the Year” award is heating up. The latest contender is Rosebud, an Italian restaurant chain in Chicago. What’d they do? Former delivery driver Jonathan Larson claims he was fired for trying to take time off for his cancer treatment.

The kid’s 19 years old, trying to do right by his employer, and suffering from “cancer of the brain and spine,” according to NBC Chicago. He needed time off for back surgery, but Rosebud’s management wouldn’t have any of it.

The surgery would require him to take time off of his job as a delivery driver at Naperville’s Rosebud Restaurant. Larson claims that when he told his boss about his upcoming procedure and said he could be back in six weeks, he was let go.

“[My manager] said, ‘No, by that time I’ll already have another driver hired. Just leave, I have to make some phone calls,'” Larsen said. “I’m really disappointed and saddened by it. It’s not something I can help.”

When the news station contacted the restaurant, Rosebud’s spokesperson refused to comment “due to employee and human resources confidentiality standards.”

It’s too early to tell what will come of this, but what gets me is Larson doesn’t seem to want any kind of financial compensation. Instead, he just wants an apology, saying it “would go a long way to make me feel better about the situation.”

All the feels, man. All the feels.

(Source: NBC Chicago)