Kim Jong-Un Is Hardly A Bad Guy In The Final Trailer For ‘The Interview’

Remember how North Korean officials were all, “Hey, you better not make a movie about Kim Jong-Un being assassinated or else!” and everyone in America laughed and made jokes about missiles falling in the ocean? We had a feeling that when it came time for The Interview to hit theaters that this would end up being a kinder, gentler take on the bizarre, ruthless and possibly insane dictator, and now this final trailer proves that our theory was mildly accurate. In this sure-to-be-hilarious story of James Franco’s and Seth Rogen’s television tabloid journalists being invited to interview Kim Jong-Un, it seems that the leader of North Korea is simply a bro who wants to get down with babes, tanks and Katy Perry’s greatest hits.

More importantly, there’s a joke about Miley Cyrus’s moose knuckle and we know how much that matters to our beloved, loyal readers. The Interview hits theaters on Christmas.