Watch A Pair Of Identical Twins Prank A Bunch Of Men By Asking Them For Threesomes

The YouTube channel “Whatever,” which specializes in pranks, social experiments, and “randomness,” released this video in which two attractive blonde twins walk up to a bunch of men (and one woman) and ask them if they’d be interested in a threesome. You know, NBD.

As I recently mentioned, I used to live with a pair of identical twins and the whole “having a threesome with twins” fantasy thing skeeved them out to no end — so for the sake of my friends I am relieved to report that the majority of the men in the video turned down their tempting offer. I mean, would you want to have sex with your sibling and another person? That’s just gross. Just because two of the people are identical to one another doesn’t mean casual incest is sexy. Sorry to be a damper on your fun, sexy incest fantasies.

If nothing else though, the video is 100% worth it for the dude who’s fishing when he’s approached by the ladies and he’s all GOD, can’t you see I’m trying to fish here and then he reels in the line which ended up catching a sizeable octopus — and is less interested in the identical twins wanting to have sex with him than with the big octopus he just caught. You’ve got it figured out, octopus guy.

(Via BroBible)