Watch The Muppets Take Their Sweet, Twisted Revenge On Mankind With ‘The Human Show’

No one ever stops to think about how the felt has felt for all of these years. Those poor Muppets, manipulated freely and then locked away in a corner of the Disney vault next to a thousand copies of Oliver and Company on VHS as the light from Walt Disney’s frozen head tank keeps them awake at all hours. No one, that is, until Sethward came along to bring us all his grotesque interpretation of what Muppet revenge might look like: a crude recreation of The Muppet Show with human corpses (or, actors pretending to be corpses) subbing in.

Honestly, the end result is pretty impressive and really dark, but I wish Sethward and his troupe would go further than just the theme song. I want to see “Corpse Puppets in Space” and some backstage confusion when no one can find the dead body of that week’s host.

(Source: YouTube via LaughingSquid)