Does warring with infidels ever give you an insatiable case of the munchies? ISIS seems to think so, which is why they’re publishing recipes online via the new al-Zawra online media campaign. This latest bit of propaganda provides Muslim wives, mothers, and sisters with recipes to cook for their male Jihadist fighters.
The latest installment includes instructions for sewing and cleaning, plus a kick ass recipe for pancakes. According to RT:
The recipe is quite strict in terms of how to serve the dish, specifying that it goes with honey and can be eaten for breakfast or dinner.
Earlier in November, Al-Zawra published its first ever recipe for women attending to jihadist men who are fighting in Syria and Iraq: “balls of date mush.”
Aside from publishing recipes, the campaign teaches women how to sew and stay fit. It also urges the importance of cooking. “You are going to cook for Allah’s soldiers,” Al-Zawra said.
A first step towards inclusion, if it weren’t for the fact they’re journalist-beheading terrorists. Meanwhile, you can find me contributing to real freedom, busily cooking my girlfriend’s breakfast in the kitchen like a good boy.
(Source: RT)