A Republican House Staffer Calls Out The Obama Daughters For Being ‘Classless’ At The Turkey Pardon

You would think the communications director for Rep. Stephen Fincher of Tennessee would know better than to post personal political opinions on social media. Elizabeth Lauten made the mistake of posting her feelings about Sasha and Malia Obama’s appearance at Wednesday’s White House turkey pardon and now it’s out there for everyone to see.

The Root staff writer Yesha Callahan posted a screenshot of Lauten’s Facebook post leading to it being shared all over. In the post, Lauten refers to the Obama daughters as classless and dressed for a “spot at the bar.”

Lauten allegedly apologized on Facebook, but deleted it. This hasn’t stopped many from going to her Facebook page urging a true apology for the comments.

I don’t know how I feel about targeting the kids of the president, especially at the Obama girl’s ages. Then again, I do remember saying a few things about the Bush girls when they were running around like a pair of hellions. I’m also not the biggest fan of Chelsea Clinton.

The difference is that none of it stems from some moral high ground where I converse with the lord about my opinions. I’m just hateful and the children of politicians are easy targets. Bristol Palin knows all about it.

(Via Gawker / The Root / Yesha Callahan)