Here’s What It’s Like Living With ‘Game Of Thrones’ Fans When You’ve Never Watched The Show

There are plenty of folks out there who dislike Game of Thrones or haven’t even seen the show. These people don’t have the time or can’t be brought to a moral level low enough to steal their friend’s HBO Go password. It happens.

For those people, it can be a terrible world. A place where people are quoting episodes left and right, talking about their favorite moments from the most recent episode around the break room, and even acting like their favorite characters during chance meetings in the parking lot.

I’ve never been there with Game of Thrones, mostly because I’ve never heard someone quote the show in public. I have been there with Star Wars and Lord Of The Rings, though. I’ve also been there with sports, a moment which turned out to be the worst date of my life.

If you’re not a fan, just roll with it. The show can’t last forever.

(Via Buzzfeed Video)