Why Has Donald Glover Removed Himself Entirely From Social Media?

Donald Glover got a bit of good news on Friday, but don’t expect to see him celebrating online. Glover and his rapper alter ego Childish Gambino don’t seem to be on social media anymore. With the recent pilot announcement, you’d think he’d be more active on Twitter or Instagram. Instead, both accounts are no longer active:

According to Complex, either Gambino himself or a proxy removed all content from both accounts on December 10. Recent events in Ferguson and New York may be to blame:

It could be to protest the recent grand jury decisions not to indict the police officers who killed Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Just days before Gambino disappeared a subreddit dedicated to him made a similar move, although content is still being posted. His manager, Famuel Rothstein, has also replaced his Twitter profile pic with a photo from the United Blackout movement.


Since neither Glover nor Gambino have said anything publicly about the matter, only guesswork remains. If he’s taking a stand as Complex suspects, then good for him. If not, I sincerely hope he’s using the time to actually work on the over-a-year-in-the-making new comedy series at FX.

(Source: Twitter and Instagram via Complex)