Emma Stone And David Letterman Just Can’t Seem To Stop Taking Selfies Together

Emma Stone could probably do anything at this point and I’d take at least a moment to watch. Even that stupid Woody Allen movie might be worth a look just to see if the rumors are true about it being terrible.

I especially like when she’s on the late night circuit because she seems to be willing to cut loose more than most celebrities. Take this Letterman segment for example, something perfectly simple that’s actually improved with her inclusion. If it were just Dave taking pictures of himself for five minutes, I’d get a little worried about his retirement not being a choice.

Now on another hand, this is cute and all until you realize that there’s a nice audience just sitting there watching these two take photos for a few minutes. I know it’s a free show, but that’s still gotta be a little awkward when your host is going around looking like Cesar Romero:

(Via The Late Show)