‘League Of Legends’ Gets An Honest Trailer And New Names For All The Champokémon

We rarely get a chance to talk about League Of Legends around here, except for the occasional awesome cosplay based on its champions, so this newest Honest Trailer is a treat. It ribs the game for its cam girls, its many similarities to Defense of the Ancients (DotA), and for being a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena game where “every good move you make will pass by unnoticed, but the smallest mis-click will get you rammed by a tobasco-drenched d*ckfull of criticism.”

LoL players do like to rage in the chat system, a problem which (to be fair) game developer Riot is trying to address via a rewards system, because who wants their gaming experience to devolve into the online version of these dogs?

Stay tuned to the end of the video, where they offer new names for the better-known champions and the appropriate amount of disdain for the rest of the champokémon.

Previous honest game trailers:

Via Smosh Games