Watch This Australian Man Try To Coax A Bread-Eating Brushtail Possum Out Of His Kitchen

While Australia is overall a terrifying place in general, I have to give them credit that their version of the possum is much less horrifying than our version of the possum. But while possums (or “opossums,” if you’re fancy) usually just play dead or make this horrible face if confronted, Australia’s Brushtail Possums do not give a sh*t about you or your wooden poking spoon, as evidenced by this guy trying to remove one from his kitchen in the middle of the night. This possum is all, “Yeah I see you and your spoon, but I’m gonna sit here and finish my f*cking bread if you don’t mind, so do me a favor and piss off.”

On that note, I have to commend this guy for how calm he is while dealing with a possum in his kitchen, although he says that he “half expected it to lunge for the jugular.” I guess Australians deal with much scarier crap than possums on a regular basis. Me on the other hand — if a possum got into my house I’d probably scream at the top of my lungs, call 911 and then wait in the bathtub with a baseball bat while I waited for the cops to show up.

(Via Reddit)