The Smithsonian Took A State-Of-The Art 3D Scan Of Barack Obama For His Presidential Portrait

For the first time in the history of this great nation, our esteemed head of state sat for an official 3D portrait. That’s right, folks, The President of the United States no long bothers with paint brushes or blank canvases. Now he settles for nothing but the third dimension. From Quartz:

The “mobile light stage” used 50 custom LEDs and 14 cameras to compile an intricately detailed topography of the president’s head and upper torso, which was then used to 3D print a very, very accurate presidential bust for the Smithsonian museum.

Conspiracy theorists and Hollywood producers are probably thinking the same thing: “Now we can copy the POTUS down to the very last detail!” Yet no matter what whacked-out shadow government theories or novel political thriller plots this latest PR gag drums up, they’ll never make it past fiction:

The Smithsonian has thus far refused to release the schematics that would allow anyone with a 3D printer to create their own perfect replica of Obama’s head.

See? Everything is fine, good people of the world. Now go back to your families and your jobs and live your lives as normally as possible.

(Sources: The White House / Quartz)