Watch Teens Play ‘Mario Kart 64’ For The First Time And Learn What ‘Nintendo Hard’ Really Means

Any gamer in their thirties remembers all too well that Nintendo games, as a consequence of being based on arcade games, were hard as nails. And boy, you know they’re in for it when two of these teens announce they were really good at Double Dash.

Mostly, though, what comes across in this video is why Mario Kart endures as a franchise: It’s ridiculously fun to play when you’ve got at least one other person in the room to talk trash with. Sure, hitting a computer opponent with a blue shell is a hoot, but it’s so much more fun to tell somebody else what’s coming, or for a coincidence on the map to completely change the game. But, if nothing else, they can at least take solace in the fact they weren’t playing frickin’ Mega Man.

Besides, if this reaction doesn’t brighten your day, nothing will:

Via Tastefully Offensive