Mark Wahlberg’s Wife Doesn’t Mince Words About Justin Bieber’s Calvin Klein Photos

Mark Wahlberg’s wife Rhea, who seems like a true delight, had Some Sh*t To Say about Justin Bieber’s new career as a Calvin Klein model. As everybody knows, Mark Wahlberg was Calvin Klein’s original underwear model back in 1992, so Mrs. Wahlberg was less than impressed with Bieber’s version. Earlier this week when the campaign hit the internet, she had something of a Twitter hissy fit over the photos:

“LOL! I don’t hate Justin Bieber he is simply an inferior human being.” That’s some strong Mean Girl logic, there. (Although for what it’s worth, she does have a point on the retouchingdamn.) After her comments went viral late yesterday however (and the death threats likely started rolling in), Marky Mark’s better half was feeling a bit more charitable towards the young pop star:

And if you were wondering, because I’m sure you were — for his part Bieber was mostly just oblivious to the whole thing. I would award a point to Bieber for being above it all, but he also referred to a man more than twice his age as “his boy” so let’s just agree that they’re both awful.