This New Clip From ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ Shows Off Some Fancy Spy Weapons

Kingsman: The Secret Service may be something of a Bond knock-off, but, hey, it gleefully acknowledges as much. And the idea of a rowdy British layabout becoming a suave superspy has some definite appeal, especially as we see more from the movie.

In this clip, we get a look at the immaculately-dressed superspy weapons cache. Probably the best bit in the whole thing is an allusion to their pistols having a shotgun shell for “messy close-combat situations.” Somebody’s getting a load of buckshot to the face. And really, isn’t that what we want out of all movies? Messy shotgun violence?

Then, of course, there’s what our snotty hero thinks is a German aristocratic greeting. We’re sure Germany will just love that one.

Kingsman: The Secret Service arrives just in time to save our Valentine’s Day: It’ll premiere February 13th.