This Sex Expert Is Traveling Around The World Lifting Things With Her Vagina

Last year we met Kim Anami, a self professed life coach and sex expert who stresses the importance of vaginal weightlifting and even released a YouTube video on the subject. Now Anami is traveling the world to spread the word of the mighty vagina, and is documenting her travels on her Instagram account. In a post on her blog earlier this month aptly titled “Things I Lift With My Vagina,” detailing the benefits of her program (which includes being able to open beer bottles and shoot ping pong balls out of your vagina), Anami says:

Integrate your sexual energy into everything you do. When women are dissociated from their vaginas, they are also cut off from the natural and enlivening flow of their sexual energy. When the vagina is brought back to life, that vital, life-force energy is available to you to channel into all parts of your life.

OKAY THEN! But enough of the holistic hippie dippy, you all came here for pictures of a vagina lifting things, and that’s what I’m gonna give you. I have to admit, it’s pretty impressive. I asked my vagina to take out the trash once and it rolled its eyes at me. No good, good for nothing vagina.





(Via Buzzfeed)