Quarrel Misses A Step In Our Exclusive Preview Of ‘Astro City’ #20

If you read my comics reviews at all, you know how much I love Astro City. Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson do a brilliant job of giving superhero comics a touching, human dimension. The current arc, about superheroine Quarrel struggling with aging and facing the reality she might have to find a new purpose in life, has been a particularly superb arc, and this preview shows even more of it at work, including her relationship with a certain speedster.

That’s really what’s great about this book; it approaches superheroes from a realistic dimension, asking how they’d approach everyday problems, how they live their lives, and the impact they have on normal people. It’s a rare dose of warmth and humanism in modern comics, but see for yourself:

See the full-sized spread here.

Astro City #20 will be on shelves February 11th.