Watch The Anti-Net-Neutrality Porn Parody

As you might be aware, the FCC has announced it’s going to legislate broadband as if it’s a utility and is going to vigorously pursue net neutrality. That’s a big deal, but some people, like, oh, Verizon, Comcast, and other companies that would very much like to charge you to get on the Internet and charge websites to get at you, don’t like it. So, they took the high road and made this weird-ass porn parody.

The basic thrust of the joke is that this lady can’t get some cable from the installer because government bureaucrats keep showing up to build the ol’ beaver dam. It’s not a bad gag, despite being a blatant lie. But what’s particularly weird is who’s behind this and why.

The Daily Dot looked into who was behind the spot and found that the group behind it has some ties to, among other people, Nebraska senator Ben Sasse… who just so happens to get a lot of campaign contributions from the anti-net-neutrality PAC the Club For Growth.

So, essentially, a bunch of people who don’t understand what net neutrality is decided to use blue balls to offer a completely wrong explanation of what it is. Really, guys? Next time, just hire Randy Quaid.