Not Enough Winter In Your Life? There’s An Actual Company Offering To Ship Bottles Of Snow Across The US

If life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. If life dumps nearly three feet of snow on you, you…find a way to sell that, too! At least that’s what one clever, enterprising Massachusetts resident has done.

Kyle Waring has launched a new startup called Ship Snow, Yo that bottles Boston snow (and damn, there is A LOT of it) and ships it out of state. Yes, sweaty Floridians, you may soon be able to experience some semblance of winter weather. Per Boston Globe:

“Ship Snow, Yo” was conceived and executed in a day by Kyle Waring of Manchester. He’s offering to pack the white stuff into 16-ounce water bottles, and send it to those who might otherwise never see it in their own neighborhood. It’s $12.99.

“I wanted to get it out of my front yard, and get it to people who don’t have access to snow,” said Waring.

Although Ship Snow, Yo was originally created as a joke, Waring’s actually had more than a handful of people show interest. Now, it’s just a matter of figuring out the best way to send out the product since, ya know, it’s prone to melting. The company hopes to implement the use of dry ice as early next week. (And don’t worry, pet lovers, that cute pup isn’t really their delivery system.)

[Via Boston Globe]