WATCH: Very Cool Live-Action/Origami/Animation Hybrid Short

After the jump, I’ve got a short film by Edson Oda, a Brazilian doing his MFA in film and TV at USC, called Malaria. He posted it to Vimeo almost a month ago, but I hadn’t seen it, so I’m remedying that today for all of us.

MALARIA tells the story of Fabiano, a young Mercenary who is hired to kill Death. This short film combines Origami, Kirigami, Time lapse, nankin illustration, Comic Books and Western Cinema.

I’m not sure I’d want to watch a feature-length film in this style, but it’s perfect for a short. It’s really everything a short should be – cool, stylish form with a short, punchy story. It’s kind of like a modern version of La Jetee incorporating animation. Can’t deal with actors or afford locations? You can always do something like this. You know, assuming you’re really good at illustration and scrapbooking and have about a million hours of free time.

[Vimeo.Thanks for the tip, 289].