Google+ Isn’t Dead, But It Is Getting Re-Branded With A New Head Honcho

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Remember Google+? It was Google’s attempt at competing with the likes of Facebook and Twitter for social media dominance. However, with a confusing interface that was far from user friendly, the service ended up never catching on despite Google’s best efforts. But, instead of killing it, it seems the + is about to get a re-branding in addition to new point person:

Google has re-organized the product, and put Bradley Horowitz, Google VP and one of Google+’s key architects, in charge of “Google’s Photos and Streams products.” Sources confirm that Google has no immediate plans to ditch the name “Google+,” but what that name represents is about to dramatically change. It appears Photos and Streams will cease to be simply features of Google+, and will become two distinct products under Horowitz’s watch.  (via Wired)

Unlike +’s predecessor, Google Buzz, it seems the company isn’t ready to give up on the idea of the brand just yet. While the service it was attached to didn’t really pan out, Google+ did gain some traction as a term, thus making it somewhat valuable. It makes sense the company would be interested in giving the name another go under a new definition give that circumstance.

Source: Wired